Borough of Laureldale


Welcome to Laureldale!

We are a small borough of about 4277 people formed out of a part of Muhlenberg Township in 1930. Having 15.08 miles of road in a .6 square mile area and conveniently close to the 5th Street shopping district and within walking distance of the Muhlenberg Schools.

We have our own police, fire, code enforcement, public works and sewer departments.


Borough Council is made up of 7 elected members all who meet monthly and take active roles in committees including financial, parks and recreation, law, property and supply, public health, and public works. 

The Borough is very supportive of local business and community events. We celebrate events and welcome all to join in with Sundaes in the Park, Annual Fall Festival, Community Wide Yard Sales and Holiday house decorating contest. We have a beautiful Dominic Manzella Park located on Elizabeth Ave that includes a playground for all ages and is available for rental throughout the summer. We also have a second playground on Rosedale Avenue where our fall festival is hosted each year.

Please look for our “Borough Buzz” flyers in the mail for more information.


  • Rick Heffner  President of Council
  • Janet Hess   Vice President of Council
  • Jeff Calpino Vice President Pro Tem
  • Bethany Pursell  Council Member
  • Heather Sustello  Council Member
  • Dean Borrell Council Member
  • Beth Young Council Member


Laureldale Borough office is located at 3406 Kutztown Rd. and is open from 8AM-4PM, Monday thru Friday should you have any questions or need assistance. 

Be sure to check out our Facebook page for any up-to-date information.
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